
Quality Policy

Quality is the prime motto of the company. Thermodex believes in the holistic approach for quality in processes and products. This renders the company with a competitive edge. The company owes its spectacular success to quality. Thermodex has inculcated a sense of quality consciousness in its work culture and has framed out a comprehensive quality policy that guides all the process in the company.

As per its quality policy,Thermodex:

  • Strives to ensure high consistency in product quality, irrespective of the quantity.
  • Will include all incoming supplies to the process of quality control checks.
  • Ensures that all products undergo 100% quality control checks.
  • Will include customer service as an integral part of its management.
  • Will provide regular training to its employees, in quality heating systems and manufacturing technologies.
  • Will ensure that all inquiries and production orders will be processed as quickly as possible.